SeqAn3  3.1.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (c) 2006-2021, Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
3 // Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
4 // This file may be used, modified and/or redistributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD-License
5 // shipped with this file and also available at:
6 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #pragma once
15 #include <cassert>
16 #include <seqan3/std/ranges>
18 #include <seqan3/core/platform.hpp>
20 namespace seqan3::detail
21 {
45 template <typename file_type>
47 {
48  static_assert(!std::is_const_v<file_type>,
49  "You cannot iterate over const files, because the iterator changes the file.");
50 public:
57  using value_type = void;
59  using reference = void;
61  using const_reference = void;
63  using size_type = void;
67  using pointer = void *;
76  constexpr out_file_iterator() = default;
78  constexpr out_file_iterator(out_file_iterator const &) = default;
80  constexpr out_file_iterator & operator=(out_file_iterator const &) = default;
82  constexpr out_file_iterator (out_file_iterator &&) = default;
84  constexpr out_file_iterator & operator=(out_file_iterator &&) = default;
86  ~out_file_iterator() = default;
89  constexpr out_file_iterator(file_type & _host) noexcept :
90  host{&_host}
91  {}
99  {
100  return *this;
101  }
105  {
106  return *this;
107  }
112  {
113  return *this;
114  }
120  template <typename arg_t>
121  out_file_iterator & operator=(arg_t && arg)
122  {
123  assert(host != nullptr);
124  host->push_back(std::forward<arg_t>(arg));
125  return *this;
126  }
135  constexpr bool operator==(std::default_sentinel_t const &) const noexcept
136  {
137  return false;
138  }
141  constexpr bool operator!=(std::default_sentinel_t const &) const noexcept
142  {
143  return true;
144  }
147  constexpr friend bool operator==(std::default_sentinel_t const &,
148  out_file_iterator const & it) noexcept
149  {
150  return (it == std::default_sentinel);
151  }
154  constexpr friend bool operator!=(std::default_sentinel_t const &,
155  out_file_iterator const & it) noexcept
156  {
157  return (it != std::default_sentinel);
158  }
161 private:
163  file_type * host{};
164 };
166 } // namespace seqan3::detail
Output iterator necessary for providing a range-like interface in output file.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:47
Use default deconstructor.
constexpr out_file_iterator & operator=(out_file_iterator const &)=default
Copy construction via assignment.
out_file_iterator operator++(int)
This is a no-op, returns copy of self. In contrast to input iterators, the return type is required.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:104
out_file_iterator & operator=(arg_t &&arg)
Insert the given value into the file, via the file's push_back() member.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:121
out_file_iterator & operator++()
This is a no-op, returns reference to self.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:98
constexpr friend bool operator!=(std::default_sentinel_t const &, out_file_iterator const &it) noexcept
Checks whether it is not equal to the sentinel.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:154
constexpr friend bool operator==(std::default_sentinel_t const &, out_file_iterator const &it) noexcept
Checks whether it is equal to the sentinel.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:147
constexpr out_file_iterator(out_file_iterator const &)=default
Copy constructor.
constexpr out_file_iterator()=default
Default constructor.
constexpr out_file_iterator & operator=(out_file_iterator &&)=default
Move assignment.
out_file_iterator & operator*() noexcept
Return reference to self.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:111
void size_type
The size type (void).
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:63
void * pointer
The pointer type.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:67
file_type * host
Pointer to file host.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:163
constexpr out_file_iterator(out_file_iterator &&)=default
Move constructor.
constexpr out_file_iterator(file_type &_host) noexcept
Construct with reference to host.
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:89
constexpr bool operator!=(std::default_sentinel_t const &) const noexcept
Checks whether *this is not equal to the sentinel (always true).
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:141
void reference
The reference type (void).
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:59
void value_type
The value type (void).
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:57
constexpr bool operator==(std::default_sentinel_t const &) const noexcept
Checks whether *this is equal to the sentinel (always false).
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:135
void const_reference
The const reference type (void).
Definition: out_file_iterator.hpp:61
The internal SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
Provides platform and dependency checks.
Adaptations of concepts from the Ranges TS.